Hotels Money Saver

Try to be Flexible with Check-in and Check-out Dates

Check-in and Check-out Dates

Plan ahead to keep everything simple and if possible, try to be flexible with your dates. When it comes to placing a booking and getting the best group rate, having the flexibility to change the start and end dates even by one or two days can often mean big savings in the price you pay online.

Do your research and be aware of large events which can impact on your plans at your destination. Major sporting events or large scale business events at your destination will impact on hotel room availability and that in turn will impact on room rates.

Holiday Hotels
To get the best price, when it comes to leisure hotels for vacations and wedding events, you will often find the best deals are available during the middle of the week and it can be beneficial to avoid the weekends and public holidays. That makes perfect sense, if you consider that most people going on vacation travel at the weekends, due to work commitments and school holidays.



Business Hotels
When it come to booking hotels for a business group event, very often the opposite is true. Business people like to be at home with their families at the weekends and very often hotels located close to business parks, conferences and airports will be cheaper at the weekend.

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